I have a 1997 Honda Accord that the rpms go up and down when ac is on what could it be?
Compressor and housing are about 2 months old. The rpms go up and down while on park and drive.
A dirty IAC or throttle body.
It goes down when the compressor kicks on and up when the compressor goes off
- Have a 09 Honda 100cc dirtbike and it sounds bogged down and won't go very fast? I was riding and I accidentally downshifted. White smoke then came out of the exhaust and now it just sounds bogged down and won't go very fast at all.
- Why does my 1997 crv RPM jumps up and down? My honda crv's rpm jumps up and down at random times on drive, park, or even when the engine is turned off. At the same time, the car would stall when driving (even at around 60-70+ mph) stepping on the car pedal and revving the car would stabilize the stalling. At low speed, 0-30mph, the car would stall and die. I can't figure out the problem! I bought new spark plugs, new distributor cap and coil (except the distributer itself) what can it be?
- Why does my car engine rev up and down? It revs up and down all the way up to 3x rpm and down? Also when i step on the gas pedal it revs up all the way to the top 8x rpm and stays right there even when i let go of the gas pedal. Please anyone who can tell me why this happens? This is a 1995 honda civic by the way
- My 1997 Honda Civic Ex idles between 1500 and 2000 rpms? My car is a manual and it is always between 1500-2000 rpms when I put the car in neutral, I could be driving it for an hour and it would still be idling between 1500 and 2000. What is the reason for this and how much would it cost to fix?