I have a 94 honda accord hard to start?

I have put a new fuel pump in and did plugs and wires and cap and rotor button

Hi so what do you expect of a 20 year old car it must be only fit for one thing the scarp yard now.

What's the fuel pressure after the replacement of the pump? You'll need to check the fuel pressure by install a fuel pressure gauge and then crank the engine and see if the fuel pressure goes up then the vehicle start.

If you don't have a fuel gauge. This is a quick test:

The pressure has to be build up quick within a second or less for the car to run/start and the pressure has to remain as indicates on the gauge after the ignition switch off just a notch off on the gauge indicator.

If there's no pressure build up during the initial starting within the first second or so, the main relay is defected and need to be replaced. The main relay should click three time during the cranking process if you did not hear it click three times: Bad relay. See the following link about the main relay:

and another one about the main relay diagnosing and replacement:

Watch the related video:

What about timing? What are the compression readings? Did you just filled up the tank? Ever think about the fuel contamination? What about spark? Fuel and spark are my first suspects in your case. What about the timing belt? Remove the distributor cap and crank the engine over, see if the rotor is turning; If the rotor is not turning: The T-belt has broken.

Read the article in these links:

Guess I've given to you enough ideas to start getting busy. Need more help? E mail me. HTH