I just noticed this brown fluid leaking from my drivers side. I'm not sure if oil or tranny fluid. 93 Honda?

I have a 93 Honda Accord we recently replaced the radiator about a week after we started to experience some trouble. Our car shakes when a stop and it's slow to start moving once we try to take off. We cleaned idle control valve are driving with a hollow cat and no muffler. No harsh comments please just trying to see if anyone has advice or experience with these issues

Unless its really nasty and hasn't been changed in a long time, transmission fluid should be red not brown.It depends on where the fluid is coming from on the driver side, as far as if its oil or some other fluid. Make sure all fluid levels are full then check them again in a few days.Whichever component has low fluid level again after a few days will be the source of the leak. Its probably oil though since its brown. When you say shaking does it feel like vibration type shaking or an engine missing type shaking? IAC valve only controls idle, it doesn't have anything to do with an engine misfiring or vibration type issues. If the engine feels like its hesitating when accelerating, ignition system parts or the fuel filter are normally to blame and possibly a bad tps(throttle position sensor)too. If the spark plugs or plug wires haven't been replaced in years, they are possible suspects.A dirty fuel filter is also possibility.Another thing you should check is for the presence of a vacuum leak.