In a 1992 Honda Accord LX is the radio wire in any way connected to the AC compressor?
In a 1992 Honda Accord LX is the radio wire in any way connected to the AC compressor?
Added (1). Vehicle was slightly flooded, water did not reach seats nor dash, but it set 'closed up' for days before the dealer got to it for repairs. Now onto the current problem
The Honda runs great but the engine had a grinding noise… The radio and clock didn't work.took back to the dealer. They said its on the same wire as the AC compressor and that that is going out. This morning before i took it back to the dealer. I seen the clock showing. But when i turned the AC on it disappeared (I figured th
Added (2). (I figured the compressor is pulling an excessive current when it's engaged leaving the clock unable to operate) but how could this effect the radio?
i think they are trying to get out of fixing the radio… BECAUSE they cleared it with my insurance that the radio was ok BUT they didn't even have the face plate in order to see if it was working.
Not unless someone has moved it - but which 'radio wire' did you mean - antenna, speakers, power…
No. Shouldnt be
First thing first, contact with your insurance about the matter so they can re-open the file. I can't believe that they the car was not declare as a total lost.
Secondly, according to the wiring diagrams, the radio/stereo unit is totally a separate system from the AC system, the only two that integrate with the radio are the power antenna and the illuminate lighting.
There are two fuses for the radio, fuse# 11 (10A) in the under dash fuse/relay box and fuse# 24 (7.5A) in the under hood fuse/relay box. Make sure you check both if not, there won't be enough power to run the whole system (Radio, cassette, speakers etc) and the power will get feeding from the ignition wire through the ignition switch? (My theory). There's a ground G203 (Black) behind the radio unit, terminal 14 at the radio connector: Check it, run an additional ground if in doubt, it won't hurt a thing.
I have not seen the condition of the car when it got flooded nor the repair/replacement parts that was involve so it's hard to say anything. If you could: What did they do to the car?
The following site could be helpful when it come to stereo system problem:
Hope it helps and good luck to you. Call your insurance, do not delay. HTH
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