Is my 94 Honda Accord hydrolocked?

We had flash floods last night which left a few inches of water in my floorboard. I tried to drive it to the car wash to suck out the water but my car died about 6 blocks from home.

My car just kind of puttered to a stop. The power steering locked up and it just gave out on the side of the road. But I still have electricity. Does it sound like my engine might be hydrolocked?

Right as rain.

Very unlikely. If it was we would not have been able to drive it. Hydro lock is a condition where water ingress in a cylinder is enough to cause an hydraulic lock. E.g. Water can't be compressed so if not enough room in cyl head and valves are shut thus stopping engine dead and in some cases bending or breaking a con rod.
more likely is water has ingress our electrical circuits thus cutting out both fuel pump and or ignition spark.
as engien stops our power steering will cease to be effective too as no power steering pump being driven.

I think the reason your car stalled out because the water has "Flooded" the PCM which locates under the carpet in front of the passenger seat.

What you need to do is to remove all of the spark plugs and see if you can hook up an external DC power source like from another car battery and see if you engine is cranking and pushing all of the water out of all combustion chambers, if there's any. If not: There's no hydro-locking take place.

The PCM need to be replace and the ignition system need to be dry out: Thing like distributor, cap, rotor and spark plugs etc.

Then check all fluid levels and see if the vehicle start. Need more help? Send a message. HTH