Is my timing belt new or old?

My 1994 Honda Accord had some major engine repairs. After fixing it my mechanic said that he did a lot of other repairs. He did not specify if he had changed the serpentine belt or the timing belt. The car has about 5,000 miles after the repair. How can l tell if the belt is new or old; or good or worn?
l want to make sure that the belt is good.

You can't tell by looking at the belt. You can't see the timing belt without taking the covers off and that's not easy to do on most vehicles.

You need to look at the itemized bill you mechanic gave you. If you don't have one of those, go talk to the mechanic to find out.

You do need to change the timing belt on schedule on the Accord. That is an interference engine and if the belt breaks you will destroy the engine. As someone else pointed out, change the water pump at the same time.

Look at your receipt or work order, all work performed will be on it even the parts. Without more information all we can do on here is just speculate.

It usually gets done with a water pump change since the pump is accessible when you tear the timing belt guard off. Chances are they did replace it if they changed the water pump and belt tension pulley as a rule of thumb.

Is my timing belt new or old

The only way to be able to tell what's what is by looking at the timing belt.