MFS: Did I handle this situation properly?

This morning around 6 I went for my usual morning run as I always do.

While I was stopped at a street light I saw something in the distance that I didn't like. It was a Mexican girl & an ugly white boy. & Get this he was pushing her in a grocery shopping cart. As if they were homeless

I became instantly furious about what I had seen. So I ran over to them & I got the white boy from his blindside & threw him into a parked Honda Accord, then using my boxing skills I threw a left hook to his body & head.

I called him a gringo & too stay away from our women, His girlfriend was crying & screaming at me & some lady was calling the cops, so I ran away fast

At jefe you did good i would have fled also sometimes when we do the right thing people thinks its not right they are to blind to see

You actually did good today

Who rides a grocery store cart 6am in the morning? That warrants a El Jefe beatdown.

As if they were homeless lol

How fast you run? I wanna race u foo

-.- let them br maybe white girls are beterMFS: Did I handle this situation properly

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