My 2001 Honda Accord has the maintenance light on how do i narrow down what needs to be maintained?

My 2001 Honda Accord has the maintenance light on how do i narrow down what needs to be maintained? - 1

Start with the basics… Engine oil and filter.
Inspect the other filters to see what condition they're in and replace if necessary.
Go through the service manual for your vehicle to see what Honda recommends. If you've exceeded the time or mileage timeline for any of those services, do them. If you recently purchased this vehicle and you don't know when those services were done, assume they were NOT done and do them.

Ever hear of mechanics? Go find one and ask them.

The maintenance schedule starts on page 222 of the owner's manual (a copy is in the source) and covers several pages. Catch up on any overdue maintenance; lots of engines die an early death because timing belt or coolant maintenance was neglected - and do whatever is called for at the car's current mileage.

If by 'narrow down' you mean find out what needs doing then check with the maintenance scheduled in your driver's handbook. If you don't have a handbook then you can usually find what you need through Mr. Google.

If you mean how can you reduce the amount of maintenance needed; then that's a bad idea which will cost you more than you save.

Just do ALL of the maint. If you take care of it, it will take care of you and not leave you on the side of the road wondering wtf.

By getting the fault codes read - there are for too many possibilities to even start guessing

The check engine light means you have a code or codes stored that are related to the emissions system requiring attention. The maintenance light, if that's what you are actually seeing, is nothing more than the oil change reminder light. It is set to come on every 7500 miles. You can either get the oil changed as you should or. If you want it off, press and hold the odometer reset button while starting the car. Hold the button until it stops flashing. You'll have to do that regardless of getting your oil changed.

A maintenance light usually just means an oil change or a light bulb is out. A Check Engine light is something else.

It is a mileage counter for the oil change interval. Do that and they will try to sell you what else you may need. Read the manual or go there uneducated.