My cousin is offering either a 2000 Honda Accord with 150K miles or I can take his 2012 Honda Insight with 50K miles. Which is a better buy?

My cousin is offering either a 2000 Honda Accord with 150K miles or I can take his 2012 Honda Insight with 50K miles. Which is a better buy?

It depends on the cost.

Add'l info:
Of course the accord is much cheaper, it's almost 20 years old. A quick apparsal of the Accord says it's worth about $1300. I think you would be better buying a car from a non-family member. When you are looking research how much the car is worth before you consider buying it.

To put this into perspective the Accord is a nearly 20 year old car! Frankly you don't even want to consider that unless you plan on setting aside a bunch of money for repairs every year. While I'm not a big fan of small cars I would take the Insight without hesitation if those were my only choices.

Depends on which is in better condition and price. Any 19 year old car is not going to be in perfect condition and WILL require parts and repairs either now or later. You have to consider that in your cost.

The Accord will have a bad trans soon. Take the Insight. Honda's Prius wanna be. Cheap on gas.

Can you afford a newer car? Forget the 20 year old car for a start.

Two thoughts. It's a bad idea to buy from any family member or friend and they want too much for the Accord by about 1300 bucks

Get the Insight. No brainer. Make sure the hybrid battery light (caution) is NOT on.

Hi anyone with half a brain would be taking the newer car. However given the life expectancy of both is just 8 years. Time to realise you would need another car in a years time to replace the 2012 car.

50K hey hey

What a stupid question.