2001 Honda Accord LX Windows not working?

My 2001 Honda accord LX Windows are not working. Today I was installing a new pair of mirrors. After putting the door panel back together I noticed that the rear and passenger windows don't go up or down. The driver side is the only one that works. Last week I put led lights in the interior and blew a fuse. I'm not sure if this is linked to that but figured id put it out there. Also my Power locks don't work either. Any suggestions. They worked fine about 2 Weeks Ago. I'm hoping its just a fuse.

02 honda accord stalling problems?

Lately, every few days, my 2002 Honda Accord V6 will act up. I start my car, it turns over right away, but the idle is very rough and varys from around 300 to 500 RPM, which is very rough and on the verge of shutting off. If i give it any throttle, it dies, i start it again and it does this over and over. The problem gets better and the RPM goes up little by little and goes away after a minute or two. Temperature is not a problem, it does this cold or warm. It stumps me because it only does it once ever couple days and it never has given me a dash light. Any help?

Is it good idea, changing headlights of car for beauty?

My 2004 honda accord headlights faded too much. I spent $50 few months ago at car spa to clean it. It looked like brand new after the cleaning but after few months it came back to that faded color. Autozone has headlights for $80. Is it a good idea to change lights for beauty?

Acura TSX or Honda Accord?

I'm looking to buy a pre certified vehicle and right now I'm stuck between a 2010 Acura TSX and 2010 Honda Accord Ex-L. They both have leather trim and come with bluetooth and are about the same price [$15k-$17k]

My question is, are Acura Parts expensive? Should I buy the TSX or Accord?

I'm not looking to spend too much but I do want something nice being that I will probably have the vehicle for at least 5years.

I'm 22 years old looking for a car. Need some opinions that will help make my decision?

Should I buy, lease or buy a used car.

I'm leaning towards a new Hyundai accent or a used honda civic/accord.

Should I buy a used $10,000 honda from a dealership? Or should I buy a $15,000 hyundai accent? OR get a 15,000 used honda civic? (Brand new ones are way out of my price range)

I have $6,000 for a down payment. It will be under my dads name who has good credit. I've been doing research on trying to find the best dealerships in LA as well as trying to figure out which car is the safest.
I will be paying for my payments each month and if I'm lucky I'm hoping that I won't have to pay more than $180.
Stressing it a little. Hope someone can help me out. I'm open to any other cars.

A 1997 honda accord with 4 wheel drive?

I'm currently looking at a car to buy and there's a 1997 honda accord and the guy selling it claims the car has 4 wheel drive. The car looks original (not modified). I have looked it up and found nothing about a 97 accord having this as an option. Is he just mistaken, or was in an option?

Does my car computer need to be updated?

Talked to a mechanic he said that my cars cpu needs to be updated i installed a neutral safety switch on my. Automatic 2000 honda accord and now my when i change from park to reverse/drive it goes into gear hard never did this before install and gear lights on dashboard don't work. Do you think if i update cpu it'll fix this problem?

Automatic car jerks when i put in reverse or drive?

2000 honda accord coupe v6 (automatic)

So my car was having problems it would only start in neutral not park so i replaced neutral safety switch and now car starts in park fine. Now on my dashboard the P light is the only one that'll light up the n r and d light have no color and when i put car in reverse or drive it jerks, but while driving car shifts perfectly fine. Before i put neutral safety switch in car never did this.
Any ideas?

I bought new speakers, why do they crackle?

I bought Sony xplod 5 1/4 speakers for the front speakers since they were blown I'm pretty positive I hooked them up correctly. But when I turn up the volume to about 21 they start to crackle. I have two bad speakers in the real deck which I expect to crackle but would they effect the front? Because I'm going to change the back too. Will that fix the problem? Also I have a single den head unit (Kenwood) at least 9 years old would that effect things? What would effect the new speakers? Furthermore I have a 94 Honda accord