Should I consider living in my car?

I've been really considering living out my car recently. I'm a 20-year old male and I been living with my parents my whole life. I'm constantly under there rule and control and I'm sick of it. I have a part-time job at a gas station on the weekend where I make about $130/week. It isn't a whole lot, but I've been saving and managed to scrape up enough money for a used car. It's a 1999 Honda Accord Sedan, it's an amazing car and runs great. I can definitely rely on this car, after all, it is a Honda. Paid $1,700 for it. Car is in great shape too. Anyways, my main reason for doing this is to learn how to be independent, if there's a character trait I feel I lack most, it's discipline. I've always been reliant on my parents to do everything for me. Make my food, wake me up for work, etc. But no more. I've had it. It's time to see if I can survive on my own. I don't need mommy and daddy to hold my hand anymore. I've been doing a lot of research and I find it very possible for me to really live in my car. My insurance is also under my fathers name, so it's super cheap. I plan on doing this for at least a month to see how it pans out. I tried telling my mom and she's telling me it's too dangerous, blah blah blah, she clearly just doesn't want me to do it. I'm a grown man and she can't talk me out of it. It isn't dangerous if you know what you're doing. So what do you guys think? Should I do it? Cause I really just might.

I have everything planned out too…

Seems like a bad idea. But maybe try itfor a day or night and see. Maybe get a better job.

When I got back from nam I live in my old van for 4 yrs.
before I met my wife.
I love my life but sometimes I kind of miss those days.
I met a lot of good people.
Of course there were some creeps as well

There must be a local campground by the town you live in. Get a $20 sleeping bag and a $20 tent and go to the campground every night. It's only $16 a night here, $5 if you get a site you have to hike to. Free bathrooms with showers (you will dearly miss those in that car)
Oh, and get another job. You'll need to be making about $350 a week to be comfortable in this lifestyle. Get a second job delivering pizzas.
You'll probably meet several other people who are "between apartments".

I think you shouod get a second or better jobs first and save some money, get an apartment… But it is dangerous but that all depends on where your parked… But i did before its not all that great and gdts uncomfortable too… It can work for you sometime but should only be in emergency, and for a short time… Gotta find a place bro, get a better job or two jobs amd find a landlord who will give you a shot and get an apartment. So wait a couple months and get the job save some money and be out… Take advantage of living with mom and dad…

How will you take shower, wash your clothes and stock your clothes? And how will you keep warmth in winter without letting the battery running?
I don't say it is impossible, but I would advise you to start with a mini-van instead of a car.

NO. Its not a good idea at all. You need a better job or a second job.Start saving, make a budget and see how it looks in 3 months time. You can do it! It takes time, money and budget. We all been there.

I will be 20 by the end of this month and I can tell you that I have also had a desire to not be so dependent on my mom. Like you, I have a job that pays decently but not enough to move out and I have also considered living out of my car but the comfort of my mom's house and how everything is just available to me (food, AC and running water) is enough to make me stay despite my high desire to be completely independent.

My second idea was living in a hotel but after a little thought I realized that it would be a big waste of money and I would end up moving back in with my mom anyhow.

If you're dead set on doing this then there isn't much I can say to change your mind but consider over your comfort level. You may not be completely independent yet but you're trying (it's not like you're a leech on your parents) and isn't it fantastic that you have a comfy place to stay while you work out your independence? That's a plus for my situation at least.

Know that if this whole 'living in your car' business doesn't pan out then you still have a comfy place to stay, there are many people that aren't so lucky in life.
Be thankful for it but keep striving for your independence as well

If you don't try, you don't know. You even can camp your car in your driveway or so, can't you? At least, your mom knows that's you're still around. You don't need to move out right away, but you'll gradually do. I know you'll pursue your plan, but you must also have a backup plan. Have fun & good luck.