What could be causing my check engine light to come on when I reach 60mph 1992 honda accord ex?

Then if I drive say another 30 miles and stop somewhere turning the car off for a short time maybe 15-20 mins when I start it again within the first mile it feels like the tranny is slipping but when I get it home and drive it around town the next day it runs perfectly fine… I'm puzzled… I'm thinking it may be a sensor. Any sound advice would be greatly appreciated! I can drive it forever around locally without the check engine light coming on but after being on the highway for a while and reach 55-60 mph it pops on

Could be a whole host of things.
The fact that it only happens at speed makes me think its is likely air or fuel related. I would check the MAF, the fuel filter, that the cat hasn't blocked. Then I'd move onto an injector being out or the pump being tired, maybe the car is throwing up a overboost fault code. Any situation where the car is demanding fuel but not receiving enough would put the engine light on at speed.

likely tripped by an egr or o2 sensor issue of some sort. **and Mitche's reply expands on the o2 portion of the possible cause. Thumbs there.**
obviously, as stated, retrieving codes is the only way to know what the computer has an argument with.
all sensors and systems should be tested first. Not simply arbitrarily replaced or assumed bad.

Check your codes


You need to get the codes and find out what's going on. Otherwise, it's just guesswork.

Why are the names Honda and Accord and EX not capitalized as required? Where is the punctuation mark on the last sentence? This is required. Also required is to have a mechanic determine what is wrong and to repair it. Have you also heard of that? Asking here is, well, just silly.