What happened to my car? (Front half of the car jumped)?

I was driving a Honda accord 2011 sedan (FWD & automatic)

I was at the intersection waiting for the green arrow light, there were TWO left lanes I was in the inner one so the one next to the median.

The light turn green and I made the left turn maybe around 25~ MPH.

After correcting the steer back, about half a second later the front half of my car jumped like the front wheels went airborne and later the car slammed back down. It wasn't a small jump it was a big one maybe 1.5 feet off the ground, other car driver saw it as well as they made eye contact with me after passing.

There wasn't anything on the road, I was driving on D gear. It couldn't be a pothole since the car in front of my didn't seem affected and I always take that lane home.

After pulling over in a parking lot I checked the car and nothing seem to be damage or scraped. The front bumper was fine, same with all wheels, I check under and nothing was leaking, everything in the back was fine. I drove the rest of the way home and everything seemed fine, engine didn't make noise, no vibrations, engine light, etc.

Added (1). The wheels were in the air for maybe less than a second, like something pushed it up so now it immediately falls back down.

Added (2). @Been there, hey dumbfck I guess next time Ill just put car and no description at all.

@Hunch bro the intersection isn't your small town intersection, I ain't gonna drive 5 mph making a turn in a 4 lane.

Nnaybe you should take it to a nnechanic to find out what happened

Time to get a new car.

Could it be your poor driving…
You went from stopped to 25mph on a tight curve that was no more than 20 feet forward…

Don't you think that is why your car jumped? You should be driving at 5-10 miles an hour through this intersection.

Aint gonna happen pal. A FWD Honda isn't going to do a wheelie or raise the front wheels off the ground for ANY reason.
You've asked this question before.

It might be smart to have a mechanic inspect the front end.

About the only mechanical thing I can think of that would cause something like this to happen would be a failing CV joint. That would be unusual on a car as new as yours… But not impossible, I guess.

Dude, these new cars are packed with computer zhit. There's no way to know how much the government can control peoples cars these days.

My advice; Get a 2002 or older. Less computerized stuff…(Seriously who needs a low tire sensor? Has humanity gotten that dumb?)

@Joe - Nothing is unusual on cars as new as his. Hang out on this section for awhile and you'll see what I mean.

Especially during the summer. Lots of weird stories of peoples cars suddenly stalling out of nowhere and doing other interesting magic tricks.

It sounds like you and your vehicle were abducted by aliens (not the illegal kind, the extra-terrestrial kind) and you just became aware as you and your vehicle was dropped back down to Earth. Did you feel like you had been #$%^^& probed?

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