What is the likely cause of a plugged up ac in my car?

1998 honda accord

I bought a can of frion and the guy said if the pressure is at max while the car is running with ac on max then the lines are clogged and it will do no good to add frion. Low and behold the pressure was max. So what is the likely cause of this, the orifice tube or what? How can I fix it myself?

They usually last only six years - A hole in the condenser

I can help you, give me 20 min and I'll be back.

Possibly the system is overfilled, with safety glasses on and glove. You can push down on the low side schrader valve and let some of the refrigerant out. Any pointed object will do, On A/c systems if the pressure is too high the compressor will shut off if it is too low it will also shut off. If letting out some of the refrigerant does not work have the a/c looked at by a pro. Some shops this time of year will do a free a/c check.

Check if cold air is coming out defroster or heater. Could be a vent problem. If no cold air anywhere and pressures are right, then its probably orifice tube. Tube is in system and has to be evacuated to work on.

Could be bugs or leaves…

The ac does not blow cold at all.

-- A nest built by a little rodent living in the car

-- An insect nest

-- A vacuum connection for auto-changing where the air is directed (which vent) is malfunctioning.
If the defroster is working but the vents are not, it may still be an easy fix. Check It Out & Good Luck.

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