What can be the cause for my air to just stop working in my car?

I have a 2007 Honda Civic… I have never had any type of problems with my car for the 6 years I have had it all i really had to do was a oil change and get my tires change… Now my A/C has went out.It was fine and blowing out cold air until this afternoon it has never done this before. What can be the reason for this happen.

Acs need to be recharged every so often after six years it migh be time to get it checked out

Check fuse # 22 (7.5A) and # 36 (10A) in the under dash fuse box on the driver side. Remove its cover, turn it over and there's a diagram show the fuse location (Number).

Most likely, it would be the Blower fan motor, the blower resistor or the switch itself is defected. You'll need help on the diagnose to see which one is at fault if the fuses are checking out good.

If there's someone can help you out into the diagnosing, send a message and I'll reply with the diagnostic instruction step by step including the wiring diagrams for the system and how to replace the defected part. Hope it help and let me know. HTH