What is wrong with a Honda accord 98 coupe?

My car won't start occasionally. The dash lights come on. But it won't turn over. This only happens sometimes and only when I use the key on the drivers side if I use it on the passengers side to unlock the car it won't have flashing hazards n starts. The car has a stock keyless alarm I'm thinking it may have something to do with it. When I bought the car it didn't come with one but started just fine. 1600000+ miles and runs beautifully but I can't stand this flaw! Every mechanic I've seen tells me only Honda can run a diagnostic but I'm avoiding the cost for them just to look at it.

Some keys came with a chip embedded in the key. If it is messed up or the car's receiver is experiencing issues you'll have this problem. Unfortunately this would need to be looked at either by a specialty shop or the dealer.

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