Where is the fuel pump relay on a 1993 honda accord?
Where is the fuel pump relay on a 1993 honda accord?
In the engine compartment fuse or relay box.
It's mounted at the top of the dashboard on the left end. Put your head about where your left foot would normally be. If your car has cruise control, you'll have to remove the cc control box to get at the relay. Then look straight up to the top of the dash and you'll see the relay. You can also hear it click whenever you cycle the ignition switch.
Boomerangst has the first best answer. It is mounted way up there by the long bolt that holds the cruise control computer, so it is often easiest to pull the guts out of the relay and stick either the repaired guts back in or the guts of a new one in it. I'm a veteran solderer (more than 50 years experience) but chose to replace the relay anyway. As hard as it is to reach I didn't want to take chances.
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