05 honda civic hybrid battery issues?

I have an 05 honda civic hybrid and at random times it will not start. Usually after not running for a good minute. I have a hunch its simply a bad 12v but i do not want to invest in that without further info. When driving the ima assist and charge works fine but the battery charge dies very quickly. It will also start just fine after a jump every time. Any info is appreciated

Any auto electrician can test the 12v battery for you, and sell you a new one.

That battery is just a conventional lead acid car battery, and only has a life or 3 or 4 years. If the battery is that old, it's due to be replaced.

I agree - have the 12V battery tested and replaced if necessary. I would be inclined to replace it regardless of he test if it is more than three years old, just to avoid the aggravation.

On a separate (I think) note, Honda hybrid batteries have a poor service life. When Honda recognized that they had a problem they made a change in the hybrid programming, reducing the demands on the batteries but dropping the fuel economy way below advertised levels. There were lawsuits with a class settlement of $100 for qualifying original owners, but the deadline was four years ago.