1996 Honda Civic coolant not flowing?

My Honda has had random random radiator hoses literally busting lately. We thought it was just old hose problems till another popped and we heard it. The gauge in the car isn't reading hot but does after running for a while. The coolant is not circulating at all. The radiator iself is steaming. There's no signs of a blown head gasket at all. The radiator nor the hoses are leaking. What is the problem?

The radiator may not leak but it may have blocked tubes. You can try a radiator flush. But you know what circulates the coolant… The Water Pump. You can remove the thermostat to ensure that is not the problem. Your car will run cooler. Just replace when you fix the problem. It's either going to be the radiator or water pump is bad.

What Geo said I agree but the radiator cap releases pressure way before blowing hoses. Get a new one. Also this could be a head gasket leaking into the cooling system pressurizing it. Get that thermostat out. See if that helps.

Replace the thermostat and flush the engine and radiator. Make sure you install the thermostat correctly.

You need to have a "block test" done to determine if the head gasket is bad. Sounds like you have an air pocket in the motor and it's over heating. The temperature gauge is not accurate when an air pocket is in the motor.