1998 Honda civic CX (Auto swapped to manual) P2E L32 ECU light weight flywheel. P0500 P1298 Check Engine Code?

Got engine codes

P0500 speed sensor
P1298 Electric Load Defector

I have a new speed sensor coming in the mail.

I pulled the backup fuse under the hood and replaced it to reset the engine light and it hasn't been on again. Still no speedometer but the the speed sensor which well be fixed.

I don't notcie any voltage drop while drive. Car at idle is 14.5v.

I was suggested to inspect the wires behind the intake, but when I looked at the speed sensor their was alot of corrosion. Would corrosion of caused the p1298 code? When the senor faild?

Please help. I have been driving without problem almost stalles abit when in neutral.