2012 Honda Civic Engine Done?

So my mom drives a 2012 Honda Civic Lx. I was driving it home from work last night and about 2 minutes from home, the Check Oil Levels light came on, immediately after that the engine emitted a constant and loud rattling noise and eventually, like 500ft from home, the car stalled out completely, I got it started again to make it back home, I didn't take it over 25 after the rattling started. We checked the oil and it was bone dry, my mom got it done in February and still has the receipts. We put 3qts in, it's a 3.9qt tank, it sounds slightly better and doesn't stall out but still that constant rattling like the car is going to fall apart at any moment. Is my mom's car done for?

It sure sounds like some serious damage was done. Stalling from oil starvation is a remarkably bad thing; it means the lack of oil caused the piston rings to seize in the cylinders. Driving after red warning lights come on is very likely to do serious damage.

However, the best thing to do at this point is to have it towed to your mechanic or the Honda dealer, if you don't have one, for evaluation. It is possible the engine can be put back in working order by replacing the bottom end bearings but I would not bet on it. Anyway, a professional should see it right away. Driving it is not a good idea.

Yes it's shot. Oil starvation kills engines quickly. It is incumbent upon the driver to check the oil regularly. Neither you nor your mom did this and paid the price.

Hmm! Did mom get regular maintenance? Or too cheap?

It's toast.

If you had stopped as soon as the light came on, and called for a tow, then the engine would probably have survived. You could have got the oil leak repaired, and carried on. But you didn't, you kept driving until it seized up. The engine internals (bearings etc) are now shot, and yes the engine will fall apart in the near future.

I have never understood the need to "get home at any cost" when a car shows symptoms of stress.
If something like an oil level or overheating warning comes up, it MUST be stopped as soon as possible for investigation.
It may already be too late, but to continue driving will -ensure- it is too late.

Obviously it cost you a couple of thousand of dollars per mile to operate it the last two miles. Was it oil level or pressure? Sounds like low oil pressure to me. Obviously the engine starts self destructing rapidly when it is no longer able to lubricate its self.

Sorry, but from your story, your engine has major damage.

Nobody ever checks the oil level?

And when an oil light comes on, you keep driving?

-Engine overhaul mechanic since 1972

IT IS NOT A CHECK OIL LEVEL LIGHT! It is a loss of oil pressure STOP immediately.

You are supposed to check the oil weekly or every 500 miles whichever is sooner along with the other fluids and tires. Done in February and not checked since! This is why cars break. They are not cared for.
What was a relatively cheap fix is now a new Engine!
Owning a car brings responsibilities