2015 Honda civic tire popped?

I have a 2015 Honda civic purchased it in February I had gotten my first oil change a few months after for free then the next in September plus They said they had to check up on everything so I paid over $100 about 2 weeks later I barely tap a curb and my front tire pooped it's not at all noticeable but when I went to Honda and they said its my fault I had to pay… This is my 1st car and I'm young but this doesn't sound correct to me. Does this happen often?

Depends on the damage to the tyre - your vehicles service history is irrelevant

if me I might note the tyre make and google it to see if there are any discussions about their quality

certainly there have been problems with particular tyres in the past

Well it popped because you hit a curb with it. So yes, it is your fault. And they not going to pay for it. If the tire blew while you where driving down the road or just went flat, then yes. They would pay to replace it.

Hitting a curb and blowing a tire does not fall under the warranty. You pay for a new tire.

Tires are never, ever covered under automaker's warranty; even if you hadn't hit the curb it's still your responsibility.

Tires are not covered by an automobile warranty. You damaged the tire so you have to replace the tire out of pocket.