Car got hit while parked?

I have a honda 2013 civic lx and my left driver side of the door is pretty much effed up. So is the fender and bumper. I will take it to honda collision for repair (the guy who hit it will pay for it obviously) main question is, will honda provide a rental car for me since its a easy 5k fix?

Your insurance might but normally for a Max of 1 or 2 weeks depending who you are with.
Check with Honda Collision first as they may supply a Courtesy Car whilst it is there being worked on. If the drivers door is to bad they may insist you leave it with them as UN-drivable until repaired

Andy C

You have it half right. The person's insurance company who hit your car furnishes the rental car while you're car is being fixed.

Your insurance company should help you make this happen!

The repair shop may have a loan vehicle that they will let you use, but Honda aren't obliged to provide that service. They may do it as a service to their customers, so ask there first.

Or, does YOUR insurance policy cover a rental vehicle? If so, contact them, and they will arrange it, and get the money off the other drivers company. It doesn't matter to you who pays in the end, you just want a car to use, and that's the simplest way.

Honda won't give you a loaner automatically, no. It's possible, but very unlikely.

They might rent you one, which will be part of your claim against the other guy, but this can get tricky if you're doing a private (without insurance companies involved) settlement. You said the other guy will pay for this, you didn't say anything about his insurer. You can do it that way, it's totally legal, but there's a trick or two with renting a replacement vehicle. These tricks show up whether the other guy or his insurance policy are paying the bill…

The rental company will still want a security deposit, and it's your job to take care of that. You also can't claim (from the other guy or his insurance) the costs of their optional damage insurance if you choose to buy it, you can only claim the cost of the daily rental. You'll also be on the hook for any excess mileage and fuel consumption.

AND, if you don't buy the optional damage insurance, you agree that you and you alone are 100% responsible for any damage to the vehicle no matter how it happens. That means if a piano falls on the vehicle while it's rented to you, you'll pay for it. Your auto policy may extend your Collision & Comp coverage to a rental or it may not, you'll have to look that up or ask your broker.