How much would it cost to replace an engine on a 97 Honda civic? - 1

How much would it cost to replace an engine in a 1997 Honda civic and all the other engine related parts

Should not need replacing

Hi so more than the cars worth better off with a new car.

Unless you know how to do most of the work or know somebody who will do it for cheap and do a swap.It won't be worth it.

IF you can do 90% of the work your self then probably 500 bucks or less for a motor from a junkyard

If you take it to a Honda dealer, try $3,000

Honestly? More than you vehicle's worth. Even if you DO land a good JDM engine, installation and mounting is a tedious task that can span a whole day's work for a shop, after removing and mounting your previous one i.e. If a standard shop charges you 65$ Tax, then do the math at about 12-15hrs of work parts fluid changes. Alternatively, I'd suggest you part out your vehicle through craigslist or kijiji, and get another one. A 1997 Civic really isn't worth spending that kinda dough on, get an integra instead.