Dodge Challenger as only car?

Is it an ok daily driver? Reliable and would be my only car all year round ( do not have a garage to put it in but have a carport
Also would insurance he high in it in the sxt v6 and rt v8 form? Currently drive a 2 door Honda Civic and it's considered a sports car for having 2 doors

It's alright. It would not be my first choice but it has a decent amount of room and functionality to make it work. I would be cautious about driving it in the winter however, especially if your area receives a lot of snow. As for insurance, it's going to be high - but not unreasonable. If you are use to paying insurance on a sports car it's not going to be that significant of an increase - but do expect to pay a little more. (ask for a higher deductible if you want to lower the rates. Also check to see if they offer discounts for security systems or dash cams if you have one.)

I have a Mustang as my only car and the only drawbacks are the small back seat and a small trunk, the Challenger may share some of those problems. It is a reliable car and yes your insurance will be more but you will have a fun car to drive.