Does a broken muffler/exhaust cause a check engine light to turn on on a 97 Honda civic?

Recently my muffler broke and snapped off my 97 honda civic and a day later my check engine turned on, i just got the muffler welded back on. Was the broken muffler the cause of the check engine light to turn on? Will it turn off now that i got the muffler welded back on?

Yea it CAN cause the check engine light to go on and it probably did cause it to go on. The car probably read it as a catalytic problem. Since you got it welded back on, you should get the check engine light turned off and see if it turns back on. If it turns back on get a code reader and see what it is. If it stays off then you are fine.

NO. Charles is all wet! Holes in Mufflers never cause check engine lights.