Have an 01 honda civic replaced clutch slave cylinder and master cylinder still can't get it to pump up.need
Have an 01 honda civic replaced clutch slave cylinder and master cylinder still can't get it to pump up.need
Did you bleed the air out of the system?
The line between the master and slave cylinders can be difficult to bleed, and so can the slave cylinder. It looks like gravity feed should be good enough but I've always had to do it two-person.
Remove the master cylinder and bench bleed it. Lots of youtube videos on this. Reinstall master cylinder and bleed the system normally. Drink a soda after and watch the Dodgers. They got the new dude Machado.
You need 2 people to bleed the hydraulic system for the clutch. You don't pump the pedal like when bleeding brakes.
Have a friend pull the clutch pedal up with their hand and then push it down and hold it while you QUICKLY open and close the slave bleeder screw. It can take a dozen repetitions to get the air out.
Fill the master cylinder reservoir every 3rd time you open and close the bleeder screw so you don't suck air in to the master cylinder.
You need to work the bleeder screw QUICKLY and close it before you lose fluid pressure. You can't wait until the fluid stops before closing it.
If that doesn't work you need to inspect the release bearing fork to make sure it didn't come off the pivot ball inside the bell housing.
make sure you have 1/4" of free play on the clutch pedal or you will end up wearing out the clutch disc prematurely from it slipping.
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