How far can i drive my honda civic with oil light on?

My 2000 Honda civic
has slightly been leaking for about a week now., but today (june 27 14) when i started up engine i noticed a weird noise and realized oil light was on and the leak has gotten worse., i stared to add oil and about five mins later noticed the oil had all leaked out quickly! I live about 20 mins way from where i'm now and need to get there as soon as possible., How far can i drive before basically blowing my engine or making problem worse?

I shift at 8000 RPM and hit Vtec hard with my oil light on, I just carry a gallon of oil in my trunk and put it in when ever I need it, just don't redline with no oil. I had to drop in a new engine at 700K miles because I redlined with no oil.

If you don't want your engine to lock up, don't drive the car anywhere. The weird noise is damage being done to the engine.

If the oil leaks out that fast, there's no way you'll make a mile, let alone 20 minutes. Once the motor locks up, and it will, it'll cost you a whole lot of money (as in thousands) to repair. Call a taxi.

Don't drive it. Is it worth $1000-3000 to get there?

Oil light means oil critically low. As in, if you keep driving, your engine will size and be worthless.

You have already done damage if it sounds different, why not save your motor?

Or, take a bet and get stranded, have your car towed/impounded (if you can't afford a tow), and pay out even more.

Well did you check the oil. You have to have oil in the car or engine will lock up so there's no distance you can go without oil. Buy a 2 quarts and throw it in

*started to add oil

You can drive it all the way until it blows up, and that will be just down the block. If you need to get there quickly, rent a vehicle or walk.