How far will 15% oil get me on my 2013 Honda Civic?

The oil life in my car is at 15% right now, but I have a trip this week and I wanted to see if I could put off the oil change until I got home. If I would be okay going about 550 miles that would be fine. Just a standard 2013 Civic Sedan.

My 1990 crx says change oil every 7,500 miles so that is roughly 1125 miles left@ 15%.

check your owners manual and see how many miles for every oil change. Crunch the #s and that will tell you how far you can go.

Late oil changes are just a trivial increase in wear slightly decreasing compression (mpg & power) after the next 100,000-200,000 miles. Don't worry about it. Or change it now, whatever. The gauge is only measuring miles, time and maybe throttle to give a rough guess of when to change your oil, with a good margin of safety. It doesn't actually analyze your oil for particulates.

And I can pretty much guarantee 100% that your car won't break down during your trip from not changing your oil. If it does then it will be from something else. Oil changes are only for long term wear & sludge for a little better mpg & power when the car is very old. To break down and seize (trash) the engine you'd have to wait something like 40,000-50,000+ miles without changing it to get enough sludge build up.

Before long trips make sure your belts and hoses are in good shape. Make sure your coolant was changed within the last 5 years, preferably 2-3. Use only factory thermostats, though they don't need to be changed often. Make sure the coolant and oil are filled to the F lines. Make sure your battery reads 12-12.5 volts and when the car is running 13.5-14 volts. Get a voltmeter if your car doesn't have a volt gauge. Or better yet most auto parts stores will load test your battery & alternator for free (the alternator is what makes 13.5-14 volts). AAA or similar is helpful. Hmm, I think that should cover the most common causes of breaking down. Though checking more wouldn't hurt.

No problem. The car won't self destruct at 0 oil life. Once in a while you can go several thousand miles beyond the recommended oil change interval without doing damage as long as you check the oil level.

Id take 15% of 5000 miles and do the math. Check the oil level at least. That is the oil LIFE indicator and not the level.

Thourough and informative, thanks!
I got this car new a little over a year ago with just 13 miles on it at the time. I'm a little surprised the oil is already as low as it is since the car has only about 5100 miles on it… I may just change it tomorrow if I have the time to get it out of the way. Sounds like I'll be fine for the trip though.

It's a crap shoot, isn't it? On the planet I live, an oil change is far less costly than mechanical issues that may be experienced by neglecting this very critical function.