How many RPMs should a car going 80 be at on a 2001 Honda civic?

How many RPMs should a car going 80 be at on a 2001 Honda civic?

The answer in truth depends on engine/transmission combination, and be different for automatic transmission.

If the transmission were actually geared for maximum speed, and you know what the maximum speed, then engine should be exactly at redline at maximum speed and then you could figure the ratio
80 / maximum speed = rpm at 80mph / rpm at redline
If I take a guess top speed = 120 mph, and top RPM = 6000
Then at 80 mph = 2/3 of top speed RPMs should be 4000 for a "max performance" trans setup.

If transmission is geared more for economy which would be the more typical situation, then RPMs are a bit lower say in the 3000-3500 range.

Wow, seriously? You FAILED to mention numerous critical details - what engine? Transmission? Tire size? Etc… You lose. Try again!