I have a 2012 Honda Civic. The emission system warning light is on. What does this mean

I have a 2012 Honda Civic. The emission system warning light is on. What does this mean - 1

Too much farting?

Likely your cat converter is packed up from misfires. Or you have a bad O2 sensor.

Take to an auto parts store, they can hook up a code reader and tell you what is wrong. Can be as simple as you left the gas cap off/loose

Means the emission is problematic

It means there's a problem

I no longer recommend people have auto parts stores read their OBD codes. They can pull the codes as well as anybody else, and can tell you the code definition, but that is a long way from knowing what is going on. Most codes that mention an O2 sensor are not caused by a bad sensor but auto parts stores will sell you the sensor anyway.

The best approach is to take it to your mechanic. He will figure out what is going on more quickly (and inexpensively) than random parts guys will and he won't introduce new problems.

It means you need to go to an auto parts store and have them read the codes so you have a clue why the warning came on. They scan codes for free.
