I own a 2004 Honda civic and when I start my car I hear a whining/noise coming from my engine?

This only occurs when I first start up my car in the morning. When I turn the steering wheel the noise gets louder. The noise continues while at low speeds but after I got about over 30mph the noise stops and won't make a sound anymore.

Its probably a belt. Just spray wd40 on it and you'll be good for a day.

Hi so what do you expect from an old car. I see you don't mention the mileage it has covered over 100k miles i would guess as well then yes it will make noises WEAR is the reason and why it may even needs a new honda engine.

Is this a sort of squeal? Sounds like the alternator drive belt slipping. That's because immediately after the start it has to work extra hard to replace the battery charge you've just used up, plus deal with other electrical loads. The belt will either be worn or loose. You need to inspect it and either tighten it or replace it. Do not spray it with wd40.

Check your power steering fluid level. It is low. Needs Honda power steering fluid most likely.
P.S. Don't spray WD on the drive belts ever.