Is it worth to buy 2009 lexus IS 250 with 80k mileage vs honda civic 2013 with 60k mileage?

Is it worth to buy 2009 lexus IS 250 with 80k mileage vs honda civic 2013 with 60k mileage? - 1

Which to you like better, Farshid? The 2009 Lexus would be absolutely fine if it has been fully and properly serviced and maintained throughout the years. This is true of any used motor vehicle. Both are great quality vehicles. So whichever seller can show you proof of all service and maintenance records would be the safest bet.

There's no better car. If you like the Lexus more, get it.

The Lexus is more car and will hold its value better since it is a luxury sporty RWD car. However it will require premium gas and cost more to insure, maintain, fuel, and repair. The Civic is the safer choice and it has lower mileage. It will likely last slightly longer than the Lexus and cost half as much to own over time. I would go with the Civic, but I admit that it is hard to pass up a Lexus IS250 if it is in a similar price range.

Lexus, without any doubts. It has improved handling, compliant ride, capable handling, high-quality interior materials, available all-wheel drive. Revised styling, and an upgraded interior for the 2009 model year. When it comes to Lexus, there's no such thing as "entry level", although outside sources will normally try to convince you otherwise. The IS carries the flag for the luxury automaker's roster, providing drivers with the upscale look and performance they so crave. Is it worth to buy 2009 lexus IS 250 with 80k mileage vs honda civic 2013 with 60k mileage - 1

Hi as usual a lot of nonsense about what some would like to drive facts are these older cars with a prestige price tag like a LEXUS have issues when they get old and it is expensive to get them fixed. As a younger and less abused car such as a Honda civic does not cost as much to own and keep on the road. So economy would suggest the Honda.