Is it wrong if I do NOT support the troops?

I think that many of them are not educated enough to be making decisions about other peoples lives. It takes very little to be accepted into the military, I don't think it's something to be proud of at all and we should not be paying for their education afterwards. The military is essentially extremely expensive welfare, most soldiers I ahve met should not be aloud to operate a Honda Civic let alone a point and kill machine.

Clearly you haven't taken the ASVAB.
Of the 136 members of my last unit, half had college degrees and at least thirty had Graduate Degrees.
Still I agree that 18 years old isn't mature or smart enough to VOTE, let alone make life and death decisions. We understand this in the military, that's why 18 year olds aren't officers or NCOs. Too bad the voting public doesn't get it.

Yeah… You really have no idea what you are talking about.

I would also be a little less quick to throw out the "uneducated" card if you do not know the difference between "allowed" and "aloud".

However… All that said, none of us troops really care one way or the other if you support us, nor what your ideas are about welfare. But… Thanks for commenting and you keep enjoying those First Amendment rights we guarantee for you.

Neither should you be. As a matter of fact, I don't think you should be allowed a computer, phone, or a tablet to where you can post questions that are offensive. I do not agree with Obama, but I do support our troops

How many soldiers have you met? Have you tried to enlist thus validating your supposed claim that it is very easy to enlist?

Everything you have just stated can be easily refuted by facts, such as this one:

That is just one of a litany of easily researched material proving your entire thesis to be wrong.

Please, next time try not to be ignorant.

Its your right but don't expect people to share or support your opinion

"Aloud" huh?

What was that you were saying again about uneducated?

Just another B.S. Rant.

Put a flower in their gun to show you care