Loud clicking/thunk noise when shifting from reverse to drive?

I recently bought a used 2012 Honda Civic. After buying the car I realized it had transmission issues because between 1-3 rpms the transmission would shake/vibrate. It ended up being the torque converter. The Honda dealership did the transmission work. Now I have noticed if I put my car into reverse and back up then put the car into drive and release the brake after releasing the brake the front end of my car will make a clicking/thunk noise. It is louder when I'm on a steep incline, but it does do it on level ground and small inclines.

Talk to the dealership

That is probably also the transmission, I would take it back to the dealer who did the work and complain that you are still having issues.

Either a bad cv joint, or worn/damaged motor mounts.

With the transmission removal history, I would suspect mounts.

That's 1000-3000 RPM, not 1-3 RPM.

A car should idle around 700 rpms. If yours is around 3000 that's too high and probably causing the clunking sound you're hearing.

I was going to say cv joint in the axle.

" That is probably also the transmission, I would take it back to the dealer who did the work and complain that you are still having issues. "

" talk to the dealership "