My 2008 Honda Civic is completely dead. What could be wrong?

It just got a new battery this past December and brake pads this past week. My wife went to go somewhere and its completely dead… Even power locks don't work. What could be wrong?

Burned out fusible link on the battery cable. $10, and you're good to go.

First, check the battery connections and make sure they're tight. With a multi meter (about $10 at hardware store) check the voltage on the battery. If it's completely dead then something is draining the battery. Possibly alternator is bad but that would be unusual for a car only 7 years old.

Thanks. AAA came out and said it looked like just the battery but, while it was still running, there was a loud sound like a pressure release and a fog came out from under the car. So off to get it checked out now.

A fuse is blown, somewhere. Pull them one at a time and replace any that are blown. Or, check the battery cables to make certain that they are perfectly hooked up tight to the battery.

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