My car was stolen, what are the chances of me getting it back?

My 2011 Honda civic was stolen out of my garage Thursday night. The keys were in the car and I had accidentally left the garage door up (I think it malfunctioned when I put it down Thursday evening and didn't check.) I've reported it and done everything now I'm just waiting for a call…

Sux to be you. Did you want to ask a question?

It's a 80% chance you won't get it back and a 20% chance you will get it back, you how this world is… It will always be dumb idiot thieves., if you haven't called the police than honey don't just sit there… Do something

Hi Now that was stupid never ever leave keys in a car. The chances are NIL.

You might as well have advertised it as being available to steal - I'll be surprised if your insurance pays out as its a clear case of contributory negligence ie not taking reasonable steps to avoid it being stolen.

Chances are slim. But what is more important at this point is if you have been insured for theft. If you are insured, make the claim as soon as the waiting period is over.

Most Civics end up in chop shops and parted out; the chances of getting it back are virtually nil.

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