New driver buying a used car (2015)?

I'm female 21 and am considering buying my first car. I don't have a license yet but have driven a car before with a parent & feel pretty confident with my driving. I'm really considering buying a Used Honda Civic 2015 I've come across at a dealer the only problem is that everyone I ask advice from tells me I shouldn't be going for such a brand new car because "I'm going to wreck it". So here's my question do you think a 2015 used car is too new of a car for a new driver & Did you wreck your first car?

You might want to look at something heavier AND older…

As long as you are paying, buy whatever you choose. I think you made a good choice.

Reliable and economical. It's hardly brand new as it's four years old. No I have never wrecked any car in many decades.

BUY what you can afford. Suggest you at the same time find out an estimate for insurance.

Sorry a four year old car is four years old. It might be in excellent condition or in horrible condition.

Have your own mechanic inspect anything before you purchase.
Car purchase price is just part of the price. Are you paying cash or getting finance?
Tags, Insurance and other stuff is part of the final price.

NEW drivers do get into more accidents than experienced drivers. ALL OF THEM do not have accidents.

Does this car model help you with MOST of your car needs. Is it a REASONABLE price.
What is wrong with all the other car models? Take your time and explore a few lots before picking the one and only suitable for you car.

If want to LOOK at it buy the pretty one. If want to drive it then pick the one that is comfortable for YOU to drive. In good mechanical condition. That has the things YOU need or want.

Your friends can pick and pay for their choice.