Putting LED lights in a new '15 Civic?

So I have a new Honda Civic and I want to upgrade all the Exterior lights to LEDS, I was wondering if they have to be CANBUS or can I use regular LEDS? Also do the new civics have CANBUS in them?

Why is the question? What do you know CAN meant? What do you know BUS meant? So when you put CAN-BUS together: What does it mean?

How do you see it on any wiring diagram when you install the LED lights with the proper what so called "LED load resistors into those LED lights?" What are the effects to CAN-BUS and to the Controllers?

Beside voiding the factory warranty, do you know anything else would affect your vehicle? Tell me what you know… Not what you think… Or learning from the Net…

Internet won't be the source that speaks truthful information, it has spoken otherwise…