Should i get this car that I want?

Should i get this car that I want? - 1

Added (1). I'm 24 working as an engineer making $70k +. I still live at home looking to get an apartment in the next couple months. I drive a 2011 honda civic and my parents want me to get a new car because recently its giving me problems.So lexus has come out with a new version of the is250 and it would cost around 40k. My dad said he would put the down payment of 20%. My monthly payments will be about $500 a month. My current expenses are around 1k a month. I have over 30k saved/invested.

Added (2). I guess my question is not if i can afford it but is it reasonable for a guy my age and income?

Honestly, you are very lucky. I have 32 and never could buy such a beautiful car, but if you can afford it… Bought it.

it must be a pleasure, not you know a car to look better. You understand what I means, you need to want it really hard.

if you gonna change your car every 6 month. Buy a bike it is cheaper

if you got to much money help poor people in need. Because everybody should help the other if he or she is in a good situation.

this world is so selfish that disgusted me

It's never a good decision to buy a brand new vehicle for several reasons, the most important being that when one tire leaves the dealers lot, that vehicle will lose $ 1000's in value

My worry would be being disrespectful of your parents, if still living at home to save money, then you go out and buy a brand new $40K luxury car. Wouldn't sit well with me were I the parent… But they sound like they're all for it, even giving you $8K to do it, so go for it!