Walking a away from a signed contract at the car dealership?

Ok so I went in a decided to go with a Honda Civic and then, after all the numbers were done the only car they had was a color I didn't want. So they called another dealership to transfer one. I had to go to work but before I left they said to sign the contract and it had the black car on the top not the car I wanted. The reason they made me sign the paper is to have me agree on the numbers settled. He then said I would have to sign a different contract again tomorrow. I'm going to pick up the car today but I didn't sign for that car. Does this mean I could still back out if I wanted to?

Nobody can make you sign a contract…
You screwed up… And let the dealership push you around.
They are not the only dealership and when you are buying a car you need to make sure you get what you want.

Since they transferred the car in specifically for you they will push back HARD to get you to sign the contract. If you have ever experienced a HARD SELL tactics you will soon. It will be like getting thrown into a tiger's cage with a steak around your neck.

It won't be pretty. It won't be easy, it won't be quick but if you stick to your commitment you can walk away. Bruised and beaten but you can walk away.

Sales people will try and rush things along. Today when you go back. Recap on what you are getting and what you are paying for. What you are paying for is usually overlocked by the buyer. I went to three or four dealers before I bought my used car. The last dealer was more than helpful answered all my questions even told me things that were common to go wrong with my car model as it ages! I would make a small checklist so you won't forget what you are asking.

If you didn't give them any money just let them take you to court. I'm sure a judge would love to hear about their tactics! Chances are you'll never hear from them again.

Assuming what you signed was a document locking in the agreed upon price of the vehicle you want (and that's what it sounds like you signed), you are not bound to purchase anything by that document.

There's a LOT more paperwork that you must sign off on to complete the sale and that paperwork is what binds you to paying for the car on the contract. Don't sign ANYTHING else until or unless the dealer gets you the car in the exact color you want AND you have a chance to both see it in person and test drive it in person first. You can still walk away at this point and I would if they keep trying to get you to take the car off their lot instead of getting you the one you want.

You always have 3 days to cancel any financial deal. That's the law.

You had no plan at the onset of this process. This is evident.

If you left a down payment, you lose it if you don't return. If you didn't. Just don't return and don't answer their calls. They will get the message. I spent 12 years as a car dealer and never heard of a customer being sued for failing to buy a car.

Your down payment/deposit would be lost, but otherwise, the contract isn't valid.

But, make no mistake, the salesman is going to try very hard to get you to follow thru.

Id block their number or something.

The car you'll get is the one you signed for.
"they said to sign the contract" So you signed? Idiot.

Walk away.