What else can I do about this hit and run to my car in costa mesa, California area 8-22-14?

I've put $500 reward all over craigslist and facebook looking for a white Mercedes c250/c350 sport coupe pano roof that "hit and run" my parked Honda civic on the eve. Of 8-22-14 by south coast plaza area costa mesa, California. I've been including a picture of a white Mercedes c250/c350 crashed up in the front on facebook and craigslist postings. Is there any other things I can do?What else can I do about this hit and run to my car in costa mesa, California area 8-22-14 - 1

In this case you would need to be lucky enough for a witness to even get on craigslist to see your add. I suggest asking some employees of closeby stores to see if they seen anything. You could also check with those same people to find out if any surveillance videos from their stores would shed some light on the accident.It could have also been an actual employees car that hit you. You can also try checking with some local body shops to see if that exact car is being worked on. Most bodyshops only have a couple bays so they might have to park the suspect car outside til the shop has room to bring the car inside for work.In that case you might spot the suspect car parked outside the bodyshop in which case it will be more visible than if it were parked inside the shop. Get on yellow pages.com and start searching bodyshops, so you can drive by and do some private investigating.

You can stop grasping at straws, get that ridiculous ad off craigslist and deak with this properly.

I'm guessing you don't have Collision coverage, otherwise you'd stop offering the $500 to every fraud artist on craigslist (and there are a lot of them) and use it to pay your deductible.

Putting a picture of "a" crashed up Mercedes isn't going to help you, not even if it's the same colour. Without a plate number, which you obviously don't have, you're not going to find anyone.

What are you planning to do? Post your ad online and wait for someone to call you and say "a car just like that is parked next to my house"? Then what? You're not going to stake this car out, find the owner and get a confession out of them, not in a million years. All the owner has to say is "prove it was my car" and you're back to square one. Then you've got to pay the $500 reward for nothing.

Use your head. The vehicle that hit yours is gone, and you're not going to find it again. Put that money towards something useful, like repairing your car.