What should I name my car? - 1

Its a black '92 Honda civic. It has little dents all over it from getting caught In a hail storm. If it helps you pick a name I like to think of them as cheek dimples.

I was thinking Tammy in honor of "parks and recreation", but if you haven't seen the show, its not a very good name. Just trying to gather ideas. Its my first car and I know its not really a big deal but she's my baby.

If you're a girl, you can just give me your name. Multiple would be appreciated.

Name it tammy

Hemlock ~*



Stanley or Irving.

Name it carlos
Btw is it a boy or is it a girl?


Name it Hoopty Dump

I don't know, Lucia?

Garbage TG

P.O.S.-- Piece of Sh*t.

I love Parks and Recreation, great show


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