Why do people keep flashing their headlights at me?

I don't understand why people keep flashing their headlights at me? I have a Honda Civic and I always have my lights on auto. So I know they're turned on. People behind me and in front of me are always flashing their lights at me and I don't know why. Do they want me to turn on the high beams? It's just annoying. I don't know what to do, I don't get it.

Are you sure they're properly aligned? Owners tend to aim the low beams too high.


That's the universal signal that they think you're a dumbass. Either your lights are too bright (aimed wrong, on high beams, or maybe you have those annoying xenon headlights) or you have a headlight that is burned out. Flashed from behind you are probably driving too slow or too erratically or have a tail light out. In any event, whatever the reason, it's because you are annoying them. As I said, they're signalling that you're a dumbass, so fix yourself or your car.

Hi so are all your light working as this suggests you have faulty lights.

Have you got the high beams on. Either that or you have both lights out without knowing it

They may well want you to turn off the high beams.
Your headlamps may be poorly adjusted or have a faulty self levelling system.
Maybe your front and/or rear fog lights are on - illegal in some places if visibility is normal.
Perhaps your brake lights are stuck on
Perhaps you are driving too slowly or too erratically or even anti socially.
Perhaps you have an earth fault making the rear light clusters behave wrongly.
Maybe you have a blown bulb(s)

You definitely need to do a full light check

Hey jojo… Either you have headlights or tail lights that are burnt out or your headlights are not adjusted right and are blinding people. Have you even bother to walk around the car and look to see if the lights work? Take care of your ****.

Because they're crazy

Either your lights are too bright (aimed wrong, on high beams, or maybe you have those annoying xenon headlights) or you have a headlight that is burned out. Flashed from behind you are probably driving too slow or too erratically or have a tail light out. In any event, whatever the reason

Maybe since it's so low to the ground it just looks that way when they go over bumps in the road. I have this to I'm thinking wtf are they flashing at.

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