Why does my car keep overheating?

I have a 1993 Honda civic, it keeps overheating on me and every 20 min I need to put water/coolant. I just put a new radiator, thermostat, gasket and bottom radiator hose. Why is the radiator always empty and overheating?

How about water pump

If you can't see any water leak, then it's going into the cylinders via a blown head gasket, and then out the exhaust as steam.

Most likely a head gasket failure.

Sounds like your t stat is up side down.

The cooling system is supposed to be a closed system so if you have to constantly add more liquid, you have a leak.

If it is not disappearing externally ( which you would see as a puddle under the engine ), it is disappearing internally. That means it is either mixing the engine oil ( look under the oil cap and pull out the engine oil dipstick, does it look similar to a vanilla milkshake? ) or it is being burned inside the cylinders ( is the exhaust smoke white? )

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