Why the hell isn't my car selling?

Its a 2008 Honda Civic with high miles but is in great condition. The car is rebuilt which makes people low ball me even more despite saying no. Is something i'm doing wrong?


Just looking to make some room, huh? How nice. I'll give you 1,000 for it.

@ 259,000 miles there's not much left of it, not $5,000 anyway.

What do you mean by rebuilt? A salvage title? If so you're dreaming thinking you can get near 5k for it.

Salvage/Rebuilt with high miles… For $1000 more you can get 100,000 less kilometers and a clean title.

Rebuilt title reduces its value by 25% or so. Try $3950.

And if you want a real eye opening, take it to 2-3 dealers and get a cash offer.

Don't be surprised if they won't give $2500. Because its got 170k miles and a rebuilt title.

The rebuilt title is the reason. No one wants a rebuilt titled car

A used car is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. A rebuilt title vehicle with 170K miles is a huge gamble - and people needing to take that gamble typically don't have $5,000. If they did, they would purchase something older, with less miles and with a clean title.
Keep lowering your price gradually until someone bites or accept a lower offer.

Well all sounds good until you hear rebuilt title. Test the car may work fine but you know that worries people because it may just stop working fine. If you wanted to get rid of it so bad why didn't you trade it in? The next person that offers close to what your asking for you should take it because your not going to do any better and your going to keep getting low balled rebuilt title is a red flag.

Priced too high. Knock one of the zeroes off of it and you'll be closer to what it's worth.

259,000 km = 160,000 miles. US value is about $3,750 with a clean title. About half that for a rebuilt salvage title. So you're figuring something shy of $2,000 US. At today's exchange rate that's about $2,770 CAD or less.

With a rebuilt salvage title you're just going to have to suck up to the fact that it's not worth a lot. Those are OK if you plan to drive them until the wheels fall off. Not so much if you ever expect to sell it as a runner.

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