Can I use a leased Honda CR-V as a taxi?

I'm thinking about leasing a 2017 Honda CR-V and using it to drive for Uber or Lyft. Is this a good idea?

1. Read the lease, it probably forbids commercial use and any use as a taxi. So be sure you tell the salesman upfront that you need a lease that will allow you to do Uber.

2. Most leases have mileage restrictions and you'll pay a heavy fine at the end of the lease if you have put too many miles on the car. Be aware of the mileage limit and be realistic about how many miles you'll drive.

3. Leasing a car is usually a poor option in the long run. You are usually better to simply buy the car. Even better would be buying one that is 2-3 years old and has already had a good chunk of its depreciation.

Yes. Read up on everything first, do homework.

Most leases have restrictions on commercial use of the vehicle unless it's a commercial lease. All leases have mileage limits and the cost for going over the limit can be very expensive.

No. The lease rate will be based on 12,000 miles a year or less. If you go over the limit, you will have to pay extra when you turn in the car.

You are allowed just so many miles to use with a leased automobile.

Uber and Lyft aren't taxis.

There's no rule that says your car has to be owned outright. The rules are: you have to be of the minimum age, and you are legal to drive in your country.

Every area has its own vehicle requirements. You didn't bother to say. And whether or not you go over the lease limit on mileage is your problem, not Uber or Lyft's.

There's a bunch of guys in my city that drive for Uber using exotic sportscars. They're leased.

Leases usually have "caps" on mileage, with high charges for overages… So - no; not a good idea.