Honda Fit 2017 Lock Problems?

The car was involved in an accident and I just repaired it. The battery is not working (i'm yet to change it) but, there's something else I noticed. Either by using the key fob or manually locking inside. Only the two doors on the passenger side respond. Both driver side and back door simply do not respond. Any ideas? Could it be battery? Or something else.

Change the battery and see what happens. No joy, it is likely a wiring problem. Get a wiring diagram for the lock mechanism and check for power and ground on the circuit.

Sounds like a wire got severed in the accident on one side of the car. Need to check the wire bundle that runs from the drivers door jam first, then follow it back if you don't find an obvious wire issue. Possible there's a separate fuse for each side of the door lock and window mechanisms. Possible something got knocked loose inside the door, as well.

It could be something related to the accident and possibly the repair wasn't done well.