HONDA < glass has pitted >?

Why my glass has some pitted spot when i'm using stone invisible cleaning liquid cleaning on my rear/windshiled glass
how to get rip of it, can i using difference brand to fix it

Yup, time to replace the glass my friend…

Okay, Phong, you have asked this question 16 times now. Your Honda is brand new, correct? If so, you glass is not pitted it is simply spotted. Try a different glass cleaner if wish, and apply with a microfiber towel.

The windshield has to be replaced to get rid of the pits. They have been there for a while but when you started using the cleaner you noticed them - here in Arizona any windshield over a year or two old has enough pits to make it hard when driving into the sun.

In 1954 in the Northeast US a mass outbreak of pitted windshields was reported… See the source. Same thing: people stopped looking through their windshields and started looking *at* them.

Best bet is to do what most people do replace the windshield if you have glass coverage insurance takes care of it. Call some glass companies you might be surprised on how much one might go for if no glass coverage on the car