How to make my car look better?

I have a silver 2003 honda element. I'm 17 years old and it's my first car. What can I do to make it look better? Both interior and exterior

Detail the inside(find directions online), wash and wax the outside. Buy seat covers if the upholstery is stained or ripped.

I agree with harry. Keep it clean.
Window tint is a must, maybe rims. (black looks good)
You can get a sway bar to make handling very tight.

Keep it clean, don't go in for led's, or wings, or other stuff. Light window tint is a must. Maybe some nice wheels, not flashy, just nice. Youll learn what you like, just remember your an adult, you know what you like.

believe it or not, i get tons of compliments on this old ranchero. The biggest factor is keeping it clean, wheels and tires clean and black.

What? Setting it on fire wasn't a good enough answer?

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